Linking to the
upgraded future

About Us

Ludens Electronics is a company established by a team of components experts who have a remarkable 25+ years of experience of electronic components and systems distribution, as well as specialized to provide electronic manufacturing services.

The company was founded to improve our service for our UK customers as well as finding and attracting new customers to provide EMS based on own production capacity, establishing new contacts with electronic component’s and solder material’s suppliers.

Our team has more than 15 years EMS experience. Production is ISO 9001 certified and meets the newest technological requirements. We are open for cooperation and ready to provide the highest level services.

We will do everything we can to meet your expectations.

Our philosophy

Name Ludens was inspired by a name for the fictional race in the world of idealistic future. (People of that race were raised as responsible, good citizens, which allowed them to eliminate the need for police and even government.)

We are less about an idealistic future, but a future of positive change and progress. The same as our industry needs to be several steps ahead, creating the technology of the future, we are also looking beyond today and even tomorrow. Not with an idealistic view, but with an optimistic one. We know that technology has power to make or break our world and we want to contribute to its building. We want to help build the future that makes our world a better place for next generations to live in and inspires future humans to become better.

But as any journey starts with a step, a great future starts with something small - like an electronic part. We are creating links between people who share our vision and help build the technology of a better future together.



Our inventory is inspected and checked to ensure items are new, authentic and unprogrammed. We buy from franchised distribution channel or directly from manufacturers. All our partners are certified by strict industrial standards. Additional testing  procedure is performed by third-party test facilities.

Our production facility is making 100% outgoing visual inspection of all assembled products using following equipment

Vision Engineering

Stereo microscope Mantis


Automatic optical inspection


Video microscope MAGNUS HD UNO


Electronic Manufacturing Services

SMT Services

Our production lines capabilities are:


SMT production line arranges 1-sided and 2-sided PCB assembling including HDI PCBs and metal based PCBs. The range of mounted housings — BGA, QFN, PLCC, SOIC, SOT, SOJ, SOP, SOD.


Eventual components size for assembly — from 0201 up to 42x32mm.

All solder materials which are used while production manufactured by Kester (USA).


Our company developed Lead Free soldering technology of PCBs starting from 2009.

More information about technological capabilities of our production lines is available by request.

Pcb Services

Our company has skilled specialists which have more than 15 years practical experience of any complexity printed circuit boards layout.

Established contacts with PCB manufacturers from Southeast Asia allow us to ensure optimal price and quality level. During the pre-production, our production engineers adapt the PCB project to technological requirements of existing equipment, and, if necessary, expound the customer. More information about technological capabilities is available by request.


Supply Chain/Overstock

The main task of our company is to provide a reliable supply chain for our production division, as well as the necessary warehouse stock of components. When solving this problem, there are always overstock positions. In this case, we are happy to offer these components on the free market.

We are also happy to work with manufacturing companies worldwide that can benefit from our experience in supply chain management.



To learn more about Ludens Electronics and how we can partner with you, contact us at


Ludens Electronics Ltd.
73 Bartlett Avenue,
Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9GD
EORI : GB422165233000

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